It's no surprise as believers that we often face challenges and trials. After all, Jesus said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Nonetheless, sometimes our trials are very intense and this can make us feel overwhelmed. However, we're not alone in this as some of the heroes of the faith had similar feelings.
Appearing on Crosstalk to relate such biblical instances to our lives today was John Stamper. John is a professional coach and former public school teacher who left his career because of the enormous conflict between his beliefs and what he was required to teach. He graduated from home school and achieved a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, Special Education, P.E. and Health along with a master’s in Leadership and Sports Management. He was interviewed in reference to his most recent book, Courage to Stand: Profiles of Enduring Faith.
John defined courage as the willingness to act despite fear and the obstacles in front of us. So why do some stand why others crumble? Where is your walk with the Lord? Do you have the courage to be used by Him as a doer and not just a hearer? Gain insights to these and other questions as John describes 9 different profiles of people ranging from biblical heroes to modern individuals who through enduring faith experienced God's presence in profound ways.
More Information
Courage to Stand is being featured as a book of the month from the VCY Bookstore. This 265 page book retails for $17.99. During this month, January, 2025, our bookstore is offering this book at 45% off. It’s just $9.89 plus any applicable tax and or shipping. It's a wonderful resource for yourself as well as to share with others. It’s available online at or by calling 1-888-722-4829.