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Crosstalk 04-04-2014 News Round-Up CD

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--IRS receives more than 150,000 comments regarding matters important to 501(c)4

organizations; matters such as the shutting down of the distribution of voter

guides, whether groups should be able to hand out legislative score cards and


--Justina Pelletier is still a ward of the state of Massachusetts (See Crosstalk

4/1). Phone calls to legislators are still needed.

--The CEO of Mozilla steps down after an online dating service urged a boycott of

the company's web browser because of a donation that the CEO made to supporters

of one-man, one woman marriage.

--World Vision board member resigns in protest after the ministry reverses its

decision to hire employees in same-sex marriages.

--A Coast Guard admiral reveals that President Obama told top military commanders

to either supports his agenda of homosexuals in the ranks or find another job.

--Federal workers can no longer expect privacy in the workplace, restroom or

locker room.

--New Hampshire senators have approved legislation that would let voters decide

whether to amend the state constitution to provide special rights for sexual


--Michigan's Democratic candidate for governor, Mark Schauer, has tapped Lisa

Brown, a vocal marriage equality champion, to be his running mate.

--Utah's marriage law is under attack.

--Clark County Republican Party in Nevada edited its official platform statement

to remove a section defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

--Minnesota Senate passes the so-called Safe and Supportive Schools Act (bullying


--A House committee to meet next week on whether to hold IRS official Lois Lerner

in contempt of Congress.

--B. Todd Jones, the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,

couldn't tell Congress why his agents made two visits to a Tea Party

conservative's location in a 13 month period but only after the conservative in

question requested tax exempt status for her group known as True

the Vote.

--Both Democrats and Republicans show concern about ATF agents using mentally ill

and developmentally disabled people to help them with undercover gun sting


--Newman Regional Hospital in Emporia, Kansas, is scaling back some services as a

means of countering the negative financial impact of Obamacare.

--The Head of the Maryland Health Insurance Exchange testified before the House

Oversight and Government Reform Committee that only 60,000 people have

signed up for Obamacare through the state exchange. However 73,000 were losing

their health insurance as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

--A California couple receives an envelope from the state's Obamacare website

called “Covered California”. Inside was a letter that discussed voter

registration and included a registration card that was pre-marked. Next to

Democratic Party” it was marked with an “x”.

--The State Department is planning to spend $400,000 in taxpayer funds to buy a

sculpture for the new American embassy being built in Islamabad, Pakistan.

--An Arkansas mother was disturbed to learn that her 6th grade daughter's homework

was to prioritize, revise, prune and add amendments to the Bill of Rights.

--A Florida school district is giving teachers a refresher course on religious

liberty after the parents of a 5 year old kindergarten student said a teacher

told their daughter that she was not allowed to pray before eating her lunch.

--GOP lawmakers are alleging that the U.S. Government has been giving President

Vladimir Putin's Russian armed forces free military equipment regardless of

threats by President Obama against the Russian federation



More Information


To encourage Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to investigate the Justina Pelletier case call:


617-725-4005—Boston Office

413-784-1200 Springfield Office

202-624-7713—D.C. Office



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