Jim opened the program with some good news: The Pacific Justice Institute reports that two-year old Israel Stinson, whose parents have been fighting to keep a hospital from removing his life support, was moved on Saturday to a different, undisclosed hospital, which has promised to continue feeding Israel and further his treatment and care.
Usama Dakdok is the Founder & Director of the "Straightway of Grace Ministry", equipping Christians to be effective witnesses of Jesus Christ to their Muslim neighbors, as well as ministering to Muslims directly. Usama is an Egyptian born Christian. While living in Egypt, he studied Islam and Islamic law during his school years. Usama speaks fluent Arabic, and has translated the Qur'an into English. He is the speaker on the program, “Revealing the Truth about Islam” which airs daily on VCY America.
A number of current events were discussed, including the many acts of terrorism around the world, the vast majority of which have ties to Islam, while politically-correct government and religious leaders continue to claim that Islam is peaceful, and that these attacks do not represent true Islam. Usama clarified the truth about these claims by quoting from the Qur'an itself, which is the final authority about Muslim faith and actions.
Among the topics covered were:
--The new Muslim mayor of London has invited Donald Trump to come and be shown how Islam is compatible with Western values.
--In the United States, there are continued calls about the need to "assimilate" with the many Muslim "refugees", but these are accompanied by the warning that if we do not "assimilate", there will be more acts of terrorism!
--And in Europe, it is obvious that Muslim immigrants make no attempt to "assimilate" with European culture, but rather gather in Islamic enclaves, amid news reports of attacks and rapes of women, and other violent actions against the citizens of the countries they have entered.
--A Russian nanny, who decapitated a girl she was looking after and then paraded around Moscow with the girl's head shouting "Allahu Akbar", will not face trial for murder as she the court ruled she is insane and not responsible--despite the fact that her actions are consistent with the Qur'an.
--Jihadis are recruiting from Muslim workers at airports in France, which would make it easy to endanger aircraft, as to screen these Muslim employees would be "Islamophobic".
--Former CIA director David Petraeus says that increasing anti-Muslim rhetoric in the United States threatens to drive "more moderate Muslims" to terrorism.
--Even Pope Francis now states the the West is responsible for Muslim terrorism, even comparing the violent Muslim conquest ordered by the Qur'an to Christians carrying out the Great Commission by persuasion and not by force.
More information:
Usama's ministry website:
The booklet "Verses in the Qur'an That Teach Violence" can be obtained from VCY America, one copy for $3.00, three copies for $7.00, or five copies for $12.00, by calling 1-800-729-9829 during office hours, 8am-5pm Central M-F.
Or order online:
One copy LINK: https://vcy.mybigcommerce.com/verses-in-the-quran-that-teach-violence-1-copy/
Three copies LINK: https://vcy.mybigcommerce.com/verses-in-the-quran-that-teach-violence-3-copies/
Five copies LINK: https://vcy.mybigcommerce.com/verses-in-the-quran-that-teach-violence-5-copies/