In the U.S. we've seen the heavy hand of government in the response to COVID-19. They determined which businesses were essential and which ones were not. They told us how close we could be to others, whether our children could go to school and even if they could play outside with neighborhood friends. People were arrested who defied playground orders. Others were put on a no-fly list for having their mask down too long between bites of food or drinking on an airline. Families were kicked off flights because preschoolers struggled to wear masks.
Most egregious was the government mandate of church closures. Most were told that they couldn't meet. Others were told how many could be inside or if they could sing or not. Church's defying such orders were met with heavy fines.
Such activity is not unique to the U.S. As this Crosstalk showed, the heavy hand of government is at work in Canada as well.
Joining Jim to present his testimony was Pastor Artur Pawlowski. He's the pastor of Street Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Pastor Pawlowski is not native to Canada. He grew up in Poland behind the Iron Curtain under the “boot” of the Soviet Union. He's seen firsthand the atrocities of the communists. The pastor noted that in Poland, they had a constitution but no one followed it. The courts were corrupt and only ruled according to the wishes of the communist party. He warned American Crosstalk listeners that if they think the U.S. Constitution is going to protect them, they're mistaken. You'll begin to understand the seriousness of the threat as Pastor Pawlowski describes the numerous twists and turns in his story.
It began in March of last year when he was told he had to stop feeding the poor. This was in spite of the fact that Canada has shut down the mental institutions, which means many of those individuals were coming to him for food. He noted that if these people aren't fed, they'll break into your car, garage or house. On the other hand, the government seemed more concerned about the pandemic. Pastor Pawlowski told officials that if these people aren't fed, they'll start killing others.
So he disagreed with the orders of the mayor and continued feeding the poor until one day 12 officers showed up. One of his parishioners was physically attacked and Pastor Pawlowski was told that if he didn't stop, he'd be arrested and receive a million dollar ticket.
How could a church that feeds the poor be deemed “non-essential” when Walmart stores and abortion clinics were open? The answer will be revealed when you hear the rest of Pastor Pawlowski's testimony on this edition of Crosstalk.
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