Jim opened this edition of Crosstalk by noting how many parents will be going through the routine of shopping for clothing, school supplies and paying the pertinent fees related to the start of a new school year. Unfortunately, many school districts are working feverishly to destroy the values that are being taught at home and the church and in some instances they are even undermining parent-child relationships.
Now that same-sex marriage has been deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court, the indoctrination is only going to intensify. Joining Jim to discuss this was Randy Thomasson. Randy is a veteran pro-family leader and president of SaveCalifornia.com. Their organization stands strong for moral virtues for the common good.
Last evening, the national executive board of the Boy Scouts of America enacted a new policy allowing homosexual leaders. Randy responded by saying that if you love your boys, get them out of the Boy Scouts because there have been molestations backed by statistics taken from 1947 to 2005. 100% of them were done by homosexuals that were inside the organization.
On another front, Jim and Randy discussed an urgent alert sent out that was designed for California pastors and ministry workers. The basis for his concern is an LGBT studies course at a school of the arts in San Francisco, a school where 30% of the student body is alleged to be gay. A liberal teacher at the school has partnered with a homosexual activist to teach young people how to be homosexual activists.
Randy went on to talk about 10 sexual indoctrination laws impacting children in every California K-12 public school. 8 of the 10 are mandatory. The other 2 are up to the district, the principle or the teacher. These laws teach children to support and embrace homosexual, bisexual and transsexual behavior as well as heterosexual fornication.
This crosstalk covers other aspects of this indoctrination onslaught as well as the options you have to properly educate your children in the midst of it all.
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