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Crosstalk 1/18/2013 News Round-Up--Jim Schneider CD

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Jim brought listeners up-to-date by presenting numerous news items affecting the lives of Christians.  Here’s a partial list of the stories mentioned:

--7th Circuit Court upholds Act 10 (concerning collective bargaining for state employees)
   in its entirety in Wisconsin.
--New study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center at
   West Point links opposition to abortion and other fundamental positions to terrorism.
--President Obama uses children as a backdrop for his latest speech concerning new gun
--Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky plans to introduce a bill next week that will nullify
   anything President Obama does that “smacks” of legislation.
--Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, sent a proposal to the city council to increase jail
   time for anyone failing to report that their guns have been lost, stolen or sold.  
--Minnesota sheriff said he would consider any new federal regulation on guns to be
   illegal and would refuse to carry it out.
--New online video game takes “shots” at the 2nd Amendment by encouraging players to
   take head shots at their most hated NRA officials.
--15 year prison sentence given to a woman and her 7 children by an Egyptian court for
   converting to Christianity is a sign of things to come.
--Orly Taitz continues to file cases against President Barack Obama the latest of which is
   over the President’s alleged use of forged I.D.’s.
--Senator Harry Reid to force a set of procedural changes that will break the senate’s long
   standing policy on rule changes.
--President Obama claims Congress orders him to spend money.
--A Pennsylvania hospital will stop delivering babies after March 31st due to Obamacare.
--Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department asks a federal court to indefinitely
   delay a lawsuit by the organization called Judicial Watch that seeks the enforcement of
   open records requests relating to “Operation Fast and Furious.”
--North Dakota State University ends its partnership with a Planned Parenthood abortion
--Deaf twins from Belgium that were going blind were euthanized by lethal injection.
--Northern Michigan county blocks Planned Parenthood grant.
--Louisiana named the most pro-life state in America.
--Obama’s half-brother seeks a governorship position in Kenya.

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