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Crosstalk 10-23-2013 A World in Turmoil CD

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This edition of Crosstalk looked at several news items of critical interest for Christians from a publication called The Vine and the Branches from Abiding Word Ministries.


--On November 6th the Supreme Court will decide if prayer in Jesus' name can be offered in government meetings because of a lawsuit dealing with a case involving prayer at city council meetings in Greece, New York.


--Is Pope Francis ready to allow Catholic priests to marry?


--Southern Baptist Convention's North American Missions Board releases guidelines instructing their military chaplains not to conduct or attend same-sex weddings and other activities that give the appearance of accepting the homosexual lifestyle.


--California authorizes same-sex marriages for prison inmates.


--Jordanian children are told to idolize terrorists.


--Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel must be prepared to go it alone in regard to national defense.


--Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg becomes the first justice to officiate at a wedding for a same-sex couple.


--The former head of the National Council of Churches encourages Christians to reject the exclusivity of their faith.


--Retired Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu says he would prefer to go to hell rather than go to a homophobic heaven.


--A chaplains assistant in Colorado is told to remove a Facebook post or face disciplinary action including a possible reduction in rank and pay.


--An Air Force officer is forced to remove a Bible from his desk because it might appear that he's condoning a particular religion.


--Air Force invites a drag-queen to perform on base during diversity day at the L.A. Air Force Base.


--Christian Service Center in Lakeland, Florida, is ordered by the U.S.D.A. to cease all Christian aspects of their center or no longer be eligible to receive government food.


--Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announces that gay and lesbian members of the military who wish to marry qualify for up to 7 days of uncharged leave to travel to a state where same-sex marriages are legal.


--New Mexico Supreme Court upholds lower court ruling that now requires Christian photo studio owners to pay over $7,000 to a gay couple for refusing to take pictures for a same-sex wedding ceremony in 2006.


--IRS is now targeting the American Legion.


--Christian bakery owners in Oregon refuse to bake a cake for same-sex wedding and have been forced to close their shop.



More Information


Abiding Word Ministries

P.O. Box 275

Canal Winchester, OH 43110

614-834-5206 (e-mail)

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