Just recently, the Israeli Defense Force shared video footage from the body cameras of Islamic terrorists showing the barbaric killing of Israelis. News reports tell of decapitations, hands and feet cut off, blood splattered around homes and brains literally being blown out.
Is there a parallel in our nation? Yes there is! Take a look at how many people are decorating their homes and yards with similar gruesome images utilizing “fake” severed heads, arms, hands and feet, with blood sometimes streaming down body parts.
The National Retail Federation reports that this year, people are expected to spend a record breaking 12.2 billion dollars on Halloween. That works out to $108.24 per person. In addition, a record 73% of consumers plan to celebrate the holiday this year, up from 69% last year.
This “holiday” is anything but harmless fun, and joining Jim to warn others as to why was Dr. David Brown. Dr. Brown is pastor of the First Baptist Church in Oak Creek, has a Masters in Theology and a PhD in History, specializing in the history of the English Bible. In addition to his study of the English Bible he is also President of Logos Communications Consortium. He is author of the book, The Dark Side of Halloween and also a research paper, Unmasking the Truth About Witches.
Why in the world would anyone want to display such carnage in celebration of a holiday when others are dying for their country? Dr. Brown believes it's because Satan has blinded the minds of them that believe not (2 Cor. 4:4). Underneath the candy, Halloween is an occult day that's always been focused on death along with human and animal sacrifice. In fact, Halloween is the highest day of the year for occult crime.
There is a definite connection between Halloween, witchcraft and death. This connection has been influenced and built by many variables from tradition and history. Review this edition of Crosstalk and you'll hear comments concerning the Druids, ancient Baal festivals, the Tower of Babel, how the Irish influenced America to accept Halloween, the origin of costumes and “trick or treat,” bonfires, jack-O'-lanterns, witches, J.K. Rowling, Dracula, what the Bible says about such things and more.
More Information
A copy of The Dark Side of Halloween (181 pages) and two of the Halloween tracts are available for a donation of $15 (postpaid) or:
3 Halloween tracts for $1
25 for $7
100 for $25
Send your donation for books/tracts to:
Pastor David Brown
P.O. Box 173
Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154