Jim Schneider brought the following news stories to the attention of Crosstalk listeners:
--The Obamacare website should be functioning smoothly by the end of November.
--Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' refusal to testify on Obamacare before the House Budget Committee is raising serious questions about the commitment of this administration in relation to transparency and accountability according to Paul Ryan. He's asking Sebelius to resign. She has rebuffed such calls and says she is not going to be signing up for Obamacare.
--Consumer Reports Magazine urging readers to stay away from healthcare.gov until fixes can be made by software developers.
--Hobby Lobby files papers with the Supreme Court asking it to take its case against the Obama administration.
--Senator Marco Rubio feels its prudent to delay Obamacare.
--Senator Ron Johnson will file legislation in the Senate called the “If You Like Your Health Plan You Can Keep It Act”.
--The nation's new debt ceiling has no dollar limit.
--Chris Christy of New Jersey gives in to same-sex marriage. Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver accuses him of dereliction of duty.
--Hawaii legislature set to impose same-sex marriage on the state.
--Voters nationwide almost evenly divided on same-sex marriage.
--U.S. military on slippery slope to becoming “thought police”.
--Pentagon to put halt to Army briefings that label pro-family organizations and evangelicals as domestic hate groups.
--French mayors and members of the municipal councils in charge of registering civil status will not be allowed to invoke a right to conscientious objection to justify the refusal to celebrate same sex unions.
--Prime Minister David Cameron turns down invitation to gay magazine awards ceremony.
--The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S-815) likely to get a vote in the Senate soon.
--The National Security Agency collects contact lists of mail and instant message services from users worldwide including Americans.
--The U.S. is alleged to have monitored the phone conversations of 35 world leaders.
--Veteran D.C. investigative journalist says that the Department of Homeland Security confiscated a stack of her confidential files during a raid of her home in August.
--Chicago alderwoman wants to charge a $25 licensing feel for bicycle owners and require such owners to take an hour long safety class.
--Nearly 700 employees of IRS contractors owe 5.4 million dollars in back taxes.
--Newsweek editor claims the White House planned the shut down.
--Evidence indicates that the Obama administration was allegedly prepared to suspend all food stamp payments beginning November 1st in order to pressure Republicans in Congress to reopen the government and agree to more deficit spending.
--President Obama will be awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom honor to former President Bill Clinton and openly gay African American Bayard Rustin.
--Pastor Charles Matole was shot to death while praying at his church this past weekend in Mombasa, Kenya.
--2 men training at Fort Leonard Wood were taken into custody after allegedly trying to abduct a 12 year old girl.
--Convicted felons in the UK are being forcibly proselytized by radical Islamists who are fellow inmates.
--Leading candidates from each party that are running to be the next mayor of New York City are showing support for recognizing Muslim holidays by closing schools.
--Change to Marine Corps hats would create a unisex look.
--Seattle tells 103 year old that they are taking her parking lot by eminent domain after paying fair market value.
--Senate to vote on Obama judge. Cornelia Pillard believes that ultrasound is deceptive, argues that abstinence education is unconstitutional and suggested that pro-life laws only enforce women's incubation of unwanted pregnancies.
--George Soros is putting his money behind a political action committee designed to support Hillary Clinton should she decide to run for president.