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Crosstalk 11-09-2015 Climate Alarmism 11-09-2015 CD

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November 30th through December 11th are the scheduled dates for the U.N. Conference on Climate Change in France.  In light of this President Obama, wanting to leave a legacy concerning his fight against so-called global warming, recently announced that he will not allow the building of the Keystone XL pipeline.  In addition, our military is targeting resources to fight global warming and climate change while the EPA is releasing onerous rules against the states as they seek to further their environmental agenda of the President.  In the end, it is the poor who will be affected the most by all of this.  

Joining Jim to discuss this was Dr. E. Calvin Beisner.  Dr. Beisner is the founder and national spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.  He is an interdisciplinary scholar specializing on the application of the Christian worldview, theology and ethics to economics, government, environmental stewardship and public policy.  Dr. Beisner has served as both a college and seminary professor and has written 12 books and made contributions to over 30 others.  He has testified as an expert witness on the ethics and economics of climate policy before congressional committees.  He also lectures around the world.

Dr. Beisner began by noting that while not unexpected, it's sad that President Obama has shot down the Keystone XL pipeline extension because the administration has been committed to a policy of fighting global warming.  It does so despite the fact that the best scientific evidence indicates that the human contribution to global warming is extraordinarily small and not something that presents any significant risk.

Also, when you consider that the pipeline would deliver 800,000 barrels of crude oil per day to specialized refineries along the Gulf Coast, pipeline travel of oil is not only less expensive than travel by rail, it's also less risky.

Keep in mind there's been no global warming of any statistically significant amount for the last 18 years, 8 months.  The total amount we've had since 1850 is approximately eight-tenths of a degree Celsius.  That isn't even enough for us to be able to measure it accurately on a global scale.  

The larger problem is poverty.  Unfortunately the policies designed to reduce so-called human induced global warming are actually policies that will increase poverty.  They do this because they deny people access to abundant, affordable and reliable energy sources.  This refers primarily to fossil fuels that comprise about 86% of all energy that's consumed worldwide.

As the program progressed, Jim and Dr. Beisner discussed a possible environmental reparations fund for developing nations, the possible use of R.I.C.O. statues against those who deny man-made climate change, NASA's 'nuclear bomb' on the climate alarmism of the U.N. and more.     

More Information     

To sign the Cornwall Alliance's petition called, 'Forget Climate Change--Energy Empowers the Poor' go to:

To order the just released documentary, 'Where the Grass is Greener—Biblical Stewardship vs. Climate Alarmism' go to:

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