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Crosstalk 11-13-2013 America in Peril CD

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Mat Staver is the Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, an international, non-profit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life and the family.


The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) deals with a national law that would regulate all employers who oversee at least 15 employees. ENDA would amend current employment non-discrimination laws that apply to race and gender to include sexual orientation and gender identity.


Mat noted that under ENDA, gender identity would be defined as “...the gender, related identity, appearance or mannerisms or other gender related characteristics of an individual with or without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ENDA has passed the Senate and now moves on to the House.


This is a critically important topic because we are already beginning to see the fallout even before the law has passed. For example, Mat presented listeners with details from a police report of a 17 year old female student who became upset when she noticed a male in the girls locker room. Further investigation uncovered that this person wanted to be identified as a female and use the women's restroom.


Vic and Mat also looked at the following:


--Although same-sex marriage is now law in Hawaii and Illinois, Mat feels this is a major threat to religious freedom. As an example, he cited Chai Feldblum, the recess appointment of President Obama who said that when religious rights collide with homosexual rights, homosexual rights win and religious freedom is the loser.


--New Jersey's reparative therapy law that makes it illegal to give or receive counsel relative to same-sex attractions.


--Cornelia Pillard's nomination to the D.C. Court of Appeals has been blocked. Pillard has said that abortion frees women and that laws against abortion rights force women to become incubators for unwanted pregnancies.


--It was predicted by a Congressional Federal Report that 50 million people would lose their health insurance coverage under Obamacare yet the President continued to say that if we like our doctors and our health plans, we can keep them.



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Liberty Counsel



You can contact your representative in Congress regarding ENDA by calling 202-225-3121.

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