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Crosstalk 11-25-2014 Chaos in Ferguson and News Round-Up CD

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Last evening a grand jury came to the conclusion that Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed teenager Michael Brown, will not face criminal charges.


Vic noted that during the initial unrest, 75% of the the arrests indicated that a majority of the people who came to protest were from outside the Ferguson area. Last evening, however, the majority of the arrests were people from the Ferguson area.


Vic then went on to show how the media has irritated the situation by including key words in their headlines. He specifically read one headline that had inflammatory words related to race and a lack of firearms possession.


Other elements to this story that were mentioned include the response to the decision from Brown's parents, comments from President Obama and action taken by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon.


Other news items presented included:


--White House quietly releases plans for a massive regulatory agenda ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.


--EPA regulations predicted to increase the average energy bill by $680 per year.


--Atlanta fire chief suspended over a book he wrote describing homosexuality as a perversion.


--On Sunday the United Arab Emirates officially released its news list containing the names of what it considers dangerous Muslim terrorist groups. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is on this list.


--CAIR is targeting one of the nations largest taxpayer funded institutions of higher learning-the University of Central Florida. A tenured communications professor is being targeted by CAIR for allegedly teaching anti-Muslim bigotry.


--Jihad bomber murders 45 people at volleyball game.


--Islam sneaks into Tennessee textbooks.


--Muslims want mosque in Georgia retail shopping mall; residents show opposition.


--Animal rights activists hold funerals for frozen chickens.


--Lois Lerner e-mails that were alleged to have been destroyed have been found.






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