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Crosstalk 12/14/2012 News Round--Vic Eliason CD

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CT121214 CD
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Vic began this edition of Crosstalk by noting an interesting contrast related to the story that 26 lives were taken in a Connecticut elementary school shooting today.  He recalled a recent incident where a school suspended a child for having a piece of pizza shaped like a gun, while on the other hand, many parents see nothing wrong with X-Box killing games or paint-ball.

Other stories that Vic brought up for listener comment included:

--The charitable deduction portion of the tax code could fall prey to the “fiscal cliff”
--Entertainer Harry Belafonte tells MSNBC that he feels the only thing left for President
   Obama to do is to work like a Third World dictator and put his opponents in jail.
--The Queen James Bible, a homosexual edition, was launched at the end of November.
--Susan Rice, ambassador to the U.N., has withdrawn her name for the position of
   Secretary of State.
--22 states refuse to set up Obamacare exchanges.
--Unless two-thirds of Congress votes to prevent it, the White House defends its demand
   to grant President Obama unilateral authority to raise the debt ceiling at will.
--President Obama bypasses Congress to mandate “black boxes” (data recorders) in cars.
--Planned Parenthood solicits dollars for life-saving health services.
--Democrats pushing to fund abortions on military bases.

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