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Crosstalk 12-17-2014 Creation And Evolution: Compatible or in Conflict CD

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Jay Seegert is the co-founder, executive director and principal lecturer for the Creation Education Center. He holds degrees in physics and engineering and has been lecturing on creation/evolution and the authority of Scripture for over 26 years. He is the author of  the newly released, 'Creation & Evolution: Compatible or in Conflict?'


Jay was raised in a Christian home having placed his trust in Christ early in grade school. He attended public schools through high school and then moved on to a Christian college in Arkansas where he studied mechanical engineering. His interest changed to physics and since they didn't have a physics major there he came back to Wisconsin to attend UW-Whitewater. This was quite a step, having attended a Christian college where the professors opened each class in prayer to UW-Whitewater where his physics professors not only didn't open each class with prayer, all of them were evolutionists and others were atheists. Being around these professors made Jay uncomfortable but the experience made him realize that he knew what he believed but he didn't know why. God put it on his heart to begin looking into these things so he began gathering evidence and even doing some speaking. Then about 8 years ago Jay felt God was leading him out of his computer programming business and into full-time ministry. He travels around the country speaking on the area of creation education communicating to people that it's all about the authority of Scripture.


On this edition of Crosstalk, Jay comments on the following:


--Who's going to benefit from the book, 'Creation & Evolution: Compatible or in


--Can you adopt the idea that God used millions of years to create the universe

and therefore make creation and evolution compatible?

--Why it's important to define the terms 'creation' and 'evolution' as they relate

to the idea of change.

--Where did the idea of evolution come from?

--The critical difference between historical and observational/operational


--How the teaching of evolution differs from the teaching of Scripture.

--What does the fossil record show?

--Ernst Haeckel's evolution drawings and other scientific frauds.

--Chimp vs. human DNA.

--The best evidence for creation.

--Old earth vs. young earth.


...and much more.



More Information


To obtain a copy of 'Creation & Evolution: Compatible or in Conflict?' for a donation of $18 call 1-800-729-9829 or go to


Creation Education Center


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