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Crosstalk 12/19/2012 Current News And Issues--Jim Schneider CD

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CT121219 CD
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Here’s a selection of stories that Jim addressed for listener comment:

--3 State Department officials including a security chief resign following the release of  
   Benghazi report.
--U.S. judge and legal scholar Robert Bork died today at age 85.
--Lawmakers charged with merging House and Senate versions of the National Defense
   Authorization Act drop the provision that would have barred the military from holding
   U.S. citizens and permanent residents in indefinite detention without trial as terror
--A Marine Corp Captain proposes to his boyfriend in the Grand Foyer of the White
--Any notary public in Maine who performs traditional marriages may not refuse to
   perform a same-sex marriage for any reason or they will be charged with a human
   rights violation.
--In a 4-3 ruling the Montana Supreme Court says that same-sex couples seeking to be
   granted the same benefits as married couples are making an overly broad request.
--New Zealand church billboard depicts Jesus in the crib surrounded by a halo of rainbow
   colors along with a billboard that says:  “It’s Christmas.  It’s time for Jesus to come
--Openly gay Nebraska woman found guilty of falsely claiming that she was brutally
   attacked by three men.
--U.S. Attorney General recently gave the National Counterterrorism Center

   sweeping new powers to store dossiers on citizens even if they are not suspected of
   criminal activity.
--New study reveals that illegal aliens in Oregon cost taxpayers more than 1 billion
   dollars annually.
--Last month the White House had a transgender day of remembrance.
--New I.R.S. report reveals 36 of Obama’s executive office staff owe the country
   $833,970 in back taxes.
--St. Louis County police chief in Missouri says that we should talk about arming civilian
   school personnel.  
--Some Missoula, Montana, school parents are upset over the song selection for the
   school’s Christmas program claiming that it’s a form of bullying due to references to
   the Christ of Christmas.
--Owners of an apartment at a senior living complex in California are demanding that
   management remove Christmas trees and menorahs from common areas in the
--California school facing threat of lawsuit over yoga classes.
--California governor appoints the first openly homosexual judge to serve on the Court of
--Minnesota Supreme Court ruling from 1995 requiring taxpayers to fund abortions has
   resulted in the death of more than 58,000 unborn children.
--Bioethics expert, Peter Singer, says that when the death of a disabled infant leads to the
   birth of another with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will
   be greater if the disabled infant is killed.
--A British baby less than one pound survives.
--Michigan House and Senate pass a pro-life omnibus bill requiring all surgical
   abortion clinics to be licensed and inspected by the state.
--The founder and former owner of the Dominos Pizza chain files a lawsuit over the
   Health and Human Services mandate that forces religious employers to purchase drugs
   for employees that may cause abortions.
--Republican congressman Tim Scott, a black, pro-life advocate, will replace Jim DeMint
   in the U.S. Senate.  The N.A.A.C.P. is upset because of Scott’s conservative positions.
--Fiscal cliff talks at an impasse.  House Speaker John Boehner removes certain
   individuals from key committees for not holding to the party mark.
--President Barack Obama is Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.
--U.N. wants to impose a tax on Americans.

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