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Crosstalk 12/26/2012 Israel Update--David Rubin CD

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Vic began by reporting the latest news concerning Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani.  Pastor Nadarkhani was originally accused of defecting from Islam, imprisoned and sentenced to death.  He was acquitted and released in September.  It’s being reported that he was rearrested and imprisoned on Christmas Day but then released based on the charge that he must complete the remaining 45 days of his sentence which he had been originally told would be served under probation.

David Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel.  He is the Founder and President of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund which treats children who are victims of terror.  He is the author of “The Islamic Tsunami:  Israel and America in the Age of Obama”.

Recently the U.N. took a vote to recognize a Palestinian state.  According to David, this means that the world is taking another step to granting full recognition to the fictional state of Palestine; a state comprised of three terrorist organizations.

In addition, David comments on other factors that are adding additional weight to the Arab/Israeli conundrum. They include:

--New housing settlements are being built by Israel around Jerusalem.  Will the International Criminal Court become involved to stop such activities?

--Israel is being asked to open its borders to 100,000 Palestinian refugees from Syria so that they can safely reach the West Bank and Gaza by going through Israel.  What are the security risks involved for Israel?

--If Chuck Hagel eventually replaces Leon Panetta as America’s defense secretary, what affect will that have on American/Israeli relations?

--Will Egypt re-militarize the Sinai Peninsula?

--Is Hezbollah really preparing for war with Israel?

--Iran’s Press TV alleges that Israel is responsible for the Sandy Hook school tragedy.  

More Information:

To obtain a copy of “The Islamic Tsunami:  Israel and America in the Age of Obama” call 1-800-431-1579.

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