Dr. David Stevens is the Chief Executive Officer of the Christian Medical & Dental Association, the nation’s largest faith-based organization of doctors. He is the spokesman for 16,000 doctors.
Obamacare was going to fund preventative services. HHS issued regulations which state that for preventative care, every health insurance company must provide contraceptive
coverage and every employer must pay for it. Unfortunately that includes every FDA approved contraceptive. That includes one that can actually interrupt a developing pregnancy.
Last Friday, the government’s Department of Health and Human Services came out with some health care revisions.
One of them dealt with how the government defines what a religious organization is. This narrow definition kept the religious exemption to churches and no one else. 44 court cases later, the government decided to revamp the rules and broaden things a bit but Dr. Stevens feels they didn’t do much better. In other words, this administration has decided that they will determine who’s religious enough to have the First Amendment apply to them.
As Dr. Stevens noted, the Obama administration has moved away from the idea of freedom of religion and instead is touting freedom of worship. What you do in your church is your business. However, as soon as you walk outside your church, there is no exemption available for religious liberty or right of conscience. In other words, what you do in your church has no application to how you live your life in the public square.
More Information:
To have your comments read on this issue, go to www.hhs.gov. Once there, go to the regulations section then click on “All HHS rules open for comment”. You can also go to www.regulations.gov.
White House
House and Senate Leaders
Christian Medical and Dental Association