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Crosstalk 3/2/2012 Obama Certificate A Fraud--Jerome Corsi CD

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Product Description

Dr. Jerome Corsi has a PhD from Harvard in political science and serves as senior staff reporter for WND.  He is the author of two Number 1 New York Times nonfiction bestsellers, “Unfit for Command:  Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry” and “The Obama Nation:  Leftish Politics and the Cult of Personality”.  He has also authored, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?:  The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President”.

Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been working with a cold case posse in regard to the eligibility of Barack Obama to be president.  A cold case posse is a group of volunteers that includes former law enforcement detectives, officers and lawyers with law enforcement experience.

The posse released a written report indicating that two crimes have allegedly been committed by President Obama.  They include putting forth a forged birth certificate as well as a fraudulent selective service registration card to the public.

Get the details from Dr. Corsi as to his involvement with the cold case posse, what specifically makes the birth certificate fraudulent, the cooperation level of authorities in Hawaii and more.

More Information:
To obtain Dr. Corsi’s latest e-book with Mike Zullo called, “A Question of Eligibility” go to or

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