Tom DeWeese is the Founder & President of the American Policy Center and editor of the DeWeese Report. Michael Chapman is the Founder of American Heritage Research.
According to Tom, Agenda 21 is one of about four documents that came from the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit. It was designed to transform human society by bringing top down control to private property, energy use, population control and even how we grow our food. In other words, Agenda 21 is a massive scheme to redistribute the wealth of the world.
Don’t miss this Crosstalk as Jim, Tom and Michael discuss how this gets from the federal level, to state and local officials and eventually to your backyard; the education aspect that seeks certain specific “positive outcomes” from your children; the heritage areas factor that seeks to lock land away for purposes of re-“wilding” and much more.
More Information:
Both Tom and Michael will be appearing Saturday March 10th at 6pm at the Olympia Resort and Conference Center in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. You can obtain details by calling 920-650-1260