Usama Dakdok is the founder of The Straightway of Grace Ministry. He travels throughout the United States equipping Christians to be effective witnesses of Jesus Christ to their Muslim neighbors as well as ministering to Muslims directly. Usama was born in Egypt, the son of a Baptist pastor. He became a Christian at the age of eleven yet learned about Islam in school. He eventually studied Islamic law in college.
Usama noted that people are victims of the teachings of Allah in the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad in the Hadith. This is playing out in various headlines such as the following:
--Canada asks how middle class boys became jihadists.
--A Muslim mob, angered by Christian youth, attack
residents of a city in Pakistan.
--Egyptian Christian funeral ends in violent clashes while
police stand by.
--A teddy bear named Muhammad causes controversy.
We should not be surprised by this as Usama told listeners that Allah commands Muslims to lie, attack and to kill Christians, Jews and non-Muslims.
So where is this “Allah” talked about? Allah is talked about in the Muslim holy book known as the Quran. 87% of Muslims worldwide don’t speak the Arabic language so many of them, despite their anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiments, haven’t even read the Quran. In order to expose more people to the full impact of the errors and contradictions of Islam, Usama has produced an accurate English language translation of the Quran with study notes.
We are losing our freedom, lives and existence because of political correctness relating to Islam. Find out why and what’s next when you listen to this along with tomorrow’s edition of Crosstalk.
More Information:
The Straight Way of Grace Ministry