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Crosstalk 4-26-2023 Always a Winner CD

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Product Description

Today we live in a very “me” centered generation.  Many people are concerned about what they want or what makes them look good with little thought for others.  This attitude is emphasized when young people are encouraged to idolize those with music or sports talent.  This impacts many teens and causes them to think they know best and life is all about them.

There's a new film that's just now being released that reminds us to do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. It's a film that demonstrates the character quality of humility, a genuine concern for one another and how we can be Always a Winner!  

Joining Jim to discuss this new film was Dave Christiano.  Dave is a Christian film director, producer, writer and distributor.  At one time he seemed destined for Hollywood with high hopes and big dreams, but God had a higher calling on his life to produce Christian films, which he's been doing since 1985.  Dave has produced the 7th Street Theater Series, the impactful film, Power of the Air and numerous others. 

The storyline goes like this: Emily Hilton won the state golf championship at a Christian school in her junior year.  She's transferring to Orange Hills Academy and she wants to defend her golf title.  The story is about how her new golf coach and her teammates affect her.  The movie contains 7 messages that Dave wants people to think about.


Review this edition of Crosstalk to learn more about this great, new release, and think about how you can use it to reach others for Christ!  

More Information


Through May 31, 2023, Crosstalk is making available this special offer:


The 85 minute film, Always a Winner is available for a donation of $18.00.  However, through May 31, 2023, we're offering each additional DVD you request, going to the same address, for a donation of just $10 more.


1 copy – donation of $18

2 copies – donation of $28

3 copies – donation of $38

4 copies for $48, etc.

Again, they must all be shipped to the same address.  You can request these online at or call 1-800-729-9829.

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