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Crosstalk 5/31/2013 News Round-Up CD

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Jim Schneider surveyed the news landscape and brought the following stories to the attention of Crosstalk listeners:

--Today is the final day of the Illinois legislature.  SB-10 could come up for a vote yet tonight, a bill that will determine whether Illinois accepts same-sex marriage.
--President Obama supports the effort to bring same-sex marriage to Illinois.
--Michigan under threat to have their marriage protections undone.
--Embattled former IRS commissioner visited White House at least 157 times during the Obama administration.  That's more visits than even the most trusted members of Obama's cabinet.  Why?  
--Adoptive parents now under IRS scrutiny.
--Questions concerning IRS misuse of agency travel cards.
--At least 2 congressional panels are planning more hearings over the IRS targeting scandal.
--Attorney General Eric Holder being investigated regarding government leaks to journalists.
--Muslim outreach summits being planned by the Obama administration.
--Washington D.C. Area high school allowing special prayer accommodations for Muslim students during class hours.
--Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory toward Muslims.
--Islamists use construction machine to destroy shrine of Abraham.
--Islam on track to become the dominant religion in Britain within the next generation.
--Obama administration allegedly engaged in a maneuver to make sure the Arms Trade Treaty passes.
--Congressional Republicans call for an investigation to see if Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius broke the law when she sought donations from private companies for an independent Obamacare project.
--Portland, Maine, physician announced that he will cut the "middleman" and deal directly with his patients and not with insurance companies.
This year's graduating classes should be grateful for the good news that they will be eligible to receive free contraception and abortifacient drug coverage without paying a penalty thanks to the HHS mandate.  That's according to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
--City sponsored smart-phone sex app available in New York City.
--Pearl Gosnell, wife of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, will spend 7-23 months in prison.
--Stericycle accused of unlawfully disposing human body parts in an area landfill.
--Supreme Court decides not to take case from Indiana where they say they will not support Planned Parenthood.
--Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene announced last week that of 16 abortion clinics, 12 failed to meet state safety regulations.
--Some churches plan on pulling support from the Boy Scouts.
--California Senate passes bill to revoke the tax exempt status of non-profit youth organizations including private schools if they don't hire or allow as teachers persons whose sexual conduct is against their beliefs.
--American Family Association says AARP dues are used to advocate same-sex marriage, homosexual adoption and the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.
--School in Milwaukee, WI. holds gender-bender day calling it "Switch it Up" day.
--Hasbro, the company responsible for games such as "Chutes & Ladders" and "Candy Land" has teamed up with Discovery to present America with a New cable cartoon program for children ages 2-11 that features a transsexual superhero.
--Florida parents outraged when students have their eyeballs scanned  as part of a safety program.
--Jim contrasts reasonable events, tours, etc. affected by sequestration cuts with other projects and expenditures that mysteriously are being unaffected.  

More Information:

To comment regarding same-sex marriage legislation in Illinois call:

Illinois Capital Switchboard

Illinois Minority Leadership

Illinois Speaker of the House

To protect marriage legislation in Michigan call:

Michigan House-517-373-0135
Michigan Senate--517-373-2400

To leave a comment regarding the new Hasbro/Discovery transsexual superhero cartoon contact:

Discovery— (click on “contact” then click on “viewer relations”.)

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