Vic Eliason hosted this program that looked at news stories of interest to Christians all over the globe. They included:
--“Occupy” had partnered with anarchy groups to engage in direct action.
--Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been illegally imprisoned in Iran for over
930 days. Senate Resolution 385 condemns the government of Iran for its
continued persecution, imprisonment and sentencing of Pastor Nadarkhani.
The House of Representatives has a companion resolution.
--Pepsico had contracted with the research company Senomyx that was
using aborted fetal cells to conduct flavor testing. Pepsico states that
Senomyx will no longer be doing this on behalf of their company.
--West Virginia’s Democrat governor will not be endorsing President
--Mitt Romney’s national security spokesman resigns after critics question
his conservatism because he’s an open homosexual.
--Sunday marked the 3rd year since the Senate passed the last budget.
--University of Maryland touts LGBT studies program.
--Christians have been killed in a series of attacks in Nigeria as jihadist
group vows to eradicate Christianity.