Usama Dakdok is director of The Straightway of Grace ministry, and host of the radio program "Revealing the Truth about Islam" heard on VCY America.
Usama Dakdok was born in Egypt and grew up in a Christian home. He attended a government school where the curriculum required that he learn about Islam, like every other student in a Muslim country. After coming to the United States in 1992, Usama discovered that there were many Muslims in America. He saw this as a great opportunity--as a Christian--to use his knowledge about Islam to reach out to the Muslim people with the word of Jesus Christ.
At this extended VCY Rally, Usama presents vital information about Islam: it's goals, it's laws (Shariah), it's doctrines, it's treatment of women, it's attitude toward Jews & Christians, and it's infiltration across the country. It is vital information you need to know.
His message runs nearly two hours.