Carl Kerby's passion is to proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible and to engage the minds and hearts of believers and unbelievers so that they may experience the realities of the Word of God.
Whether speaking to youth or adults, Carl has a way of connecting and engaging with everyone through his powerpoint presentations. Carl reaches people with biblical truths, providing knowledge and reasons why we can trust God and His Word.
Carl is a founding board member of Answers in Genesis and served there for more than 15 years before co-founding the apologetics ministry, Reasons For Hope
The church is losing its next generation at an alarming rate. Anywhere from 50 to 88 percent of the young people raised in Bible-believing Christian homes walk away from the church after age 18. In this talk, Carl examines the causes of this huge exodus, but then shows that by starting with the Bible, solutions can be offered to this massive problem in the church. Teaching just Bible stories to our children isn’t working; young people in our churches need to know how to stand uncompromisingly on the authority and accuracy of the Bible so that they can answer the skeptical questions of the age.
This is the keynote talk for rforh’s Becoming Bold Conferences where our challenge is to Know it! Live it! and Share it! This talk will address all three of these issues.
Forever Be Sure is a music publication and performance ministry that composes new hymns, vocal songs and arrangements for God's glory and the building up Christ's Body, the Church. Primarily a family ministry, FBS travels throughout the year with other like-minded musicians, presenting the songs that have been born out of our personal walk with the Lord and the study of His Word.
They sang at the VCY Rally on October 29th, 2016 before Carl Kerby took the stage.