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VCY Rally 3/22/2014 Current Events in Light of Bible Prophecy--Jimmy DeYoung DVD

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Rally2014-03 DVD
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Product Description

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung is a student of Bible prophecy who first studies prophecy and then looks at world events to discover how they line up with the prophetic timetable. He lived in Israel for some 20 years, with full journalist credentials, and continues to keep up with daily events in the Middle East, with contacts in Israel and elsewhere who provide more in depth information.  He returns to Israel regularly, and still meets with political and religious leaders there to get the pulse of what is taking place, and what Israelis hope will take place.

This VCY America Rally, which took place in March, 2014, is the second time Dr. DeYoung has given a message with the same title, but it is updated from the first message delivered in 2011.  At this 2014 rally, Jimmy gives an overview of the end-times scenario from Daniel and Ezekiel, and then applies it to current events, some of which were just hours or days old.  The DVD also enables the viewer to see Dr. DeYoung's demonstration of the last-days timeline.

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